Making do…40 Green Tomatoes

We had nearly 40 green tomatoes on one plant when the freeze was about to hit, so plucked them and stored them in the basement in brown paper bags to ripen.  It works well, although I must admit they aren’t *quite* as divine as plucked right off the vine.  😉  I had my very last one to enjoy and a few slices of happy-pig bacon (i.e. locally raised on grass in the sunshine and harvested ethically) and a bit of avocado left over from the night before so decided on a BLT.  LateBLTOnly problem was that after I got the bacon cooked and tomato sliced I realized I had none of the 100% whole-grain rye bread I usually enjoy (French Meadow Sourdough Rye, FYI) so I just wrapped up the avo slices and tomato in the bacon and crunched away.  Delicious, but messy!  Hmmm….I’ve been researching the Paleo diet a lot lately; maybe someone is trying to tell me something.